
【嚴選好物】【芬蘭 SUUNTO 專賣】Tandem 360R/ PC 專業級瞻孔式指北針.指南針【就是準】+ 測量.傾斜角

gohappy 線上快樂購我的省錢小秘方!!



真的會讓人懊惱不已呢,所以我很喜歡在網路上比較價格,而多年以來的經驗來說,最划算的購物平台,就是gohappy 線上快樂購了!!


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我最喜歡在gohappy 線上快樂購上買的東西大概就是[标签:分类]類了,現在有時在外面無意看到心動的商品,都不會馬上掏錢購買,反而會

回家上gohappy 線上快樂購看看比較一下,通常gohappy 線上快樂購上的價格都會比較便宜些..哈哈,真的讓我省下不少阿~~而且還能用信用卡分期零利率

來分攤購買某些高單價商品時的壓力,真的相當不錯,所以囉~gohappy 線上快樂購就是我的省錢小秘方!!

【勸敗】gohappy 線上快樂購【芬蘭 SUUNTO 專賣】Tandem 360R/ PC 專業級瞻孔式指北針.指南針【就是準】+ 測量.傾斜角效果新光 三越 新竹 店

這是最近追蹤的一項想要入手的商品,一樣是在gohappy 線上快樂購上發現的,發現現在在網路上採購的比率越來越高了,可能跟生活越來越忙碌有關吧... 沒什麼時間出門血拼,放假都以外出旅遊以及陪家人為主,而且有時發現在外面的商店比價半天累得要死,才省下十幾二十塊@@,後來乾脆都在網路上比較了, 我真的非常喜歡逛gohappy 線上快樂購,尤其很多東西價格都很不錯,也有不少優惠券可以用,下面是賣場提供的商品簡介

購買的網址在這裡---【芬蘭 SUUNTO 專賣】Tandem 360R/ PC 專業級瞻孔式指北針.指南針【就是準】+ 測量.傾斜角


◆指北針準確度 1/3 度
◆精準度可達到 刻度 1/2°
◆Zone 2 台灣地區適用
◆100% 芬蘭製造  
The Suunto TANDEM is all you need for both slope/height measurements and compass bearings. It is a liquid-filled precision compass and clinometer in one compact aluminum housing that is easy to use and rugged enough to protect against impact, corrosion and water. This top-quality precision instrument combines precision accuracy with fast and easy one-hand operation. The pocket size construction renders the Suunto Tandem most suitable for every type of work. Its unique shape makes it comfortable to hold in your hand. The optics of the Tandem can be adjusted to make the reading easier. The two edges at 90 degrees angle make the contact measurements possible, for example, when measuring the tilt of a satellite dish.  
  The Suunto Tandem has two precision instruments in one. Suunto Tandem is an excellent tool for surveyors, engineers, cartographers, geologists, miners, architects, satellite dish installers, and for anyone who needs to be able to measure directional indications, height, vertical angles and slopes – with speed and accuracy. The Suunto Tandem is all you need for both slope/height measurements and compass bearings. You can change the Tandem from compass to clinometer with the click of your wrist. The Tandem is a liquid-filled precision compass and clinometer in one compact aluminum housing.   SATELLITE INSTALLERS NOTE:  It has an elevation and azimuth sight glass you can use when trying to determine if the dish direction will clear trees, buildings, etc.

  • Optical Sighting Instrument for extreme accuracy
  • Fast and Easy one-handed operation
  • Jeweled bearing assembly: supports scale cards, assures long-lasting, accurate operation 
  • Damping liquid: surrounds scale cards, assures smooth, accurate and quick readings 
  • Parallax free lens: magnifies scale card graduations 
  • Compass scale is azimuth (0-360 degrees), graduated in 0.5 degree 
  • Reverse scale visible through the compass optics 
  • Compass is individually calibrated for an accuracy of ±0.25 degree 
  • Clinometer scale is in percent and degree (0-90 degrees, 0-150%), graduated in 0.5 degree/1% increments 
  • Clinometer is individually calibrated for an accuracy of ±0.25 degree 
  • Optical diopters for both compass and clinometer 
  • Two edges at 90 degrees for contact measurements 
  • Solid aluminum housing, resists rust and protects against impact 
  • Body has camera tripod threads 
  • Neck lanyard and nylon case with belt loop 
  • 2 year warranty


尺寸:120 x 76 x 15 mm

補充一下,這個商品我是在gohappy 線上快樂購發現的,這平台的價格通常會比比別家低一點,我找東西大概都先去這裡,而且也常有優惠活動跟折價券可以拿




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